Scrub it clean & scrub it right. 5 handy tips to better use your scrubber machine.
12 May, 2020 by
Scrub it clean & scrub it right. 5 handy tips to better use your scrubber machine.
Capital Equipment Hire Pty Ltd

Scrub it clean & scrub it right

5 ways to better use your floor scrubber

Walk behind industrial scrubbers, walk behind commercial scrubbers or ride on scrubbers all have the capacity to clean small to large areas efficiently and cost-effectively. There are a large range of floor scrubbers on the market for hire or purchase depending on a customer's requirements. Before undertaking a cleaning session, consider the following scrubbing tips to achieve maximum cleaning performance with your scrubber dryer. 

1. Choose the right brush/pad type for your application

Depending on the type of surface you intend to scrub, there are various types of brushes and pads for different surfaces and different floor scrubbers. It is important to select the appropriate type for your application to gain more value and effective performance. 

Brushes come in a large assortment of grit-types to deal with different levels of build-up. Polypropylene, nylon, and tynex grit brushes are some common types. Pads are also available in a large range and follow an industry-wide colour code classification to distinguish their abrasiveness. Pads range from fine for delicate surfaces to very coarse for industrial cleaning and stripping.

See our brush and pad guide for a detailed description of the different brush/pad types for different flooring applications. If you are unsure what brush or pad option to choose for your scrubber, consult your supplier to determine the best match for your floor type.

2. Choose the right brush pressure and operator speed

The slower you go, the better the clean. Be mindful that excessive pressure for certain flooring could actually damage the surface, so the optimal pressure setting will depend on your surface and machine type. Allowing adequate time for your ride on floor scrubber or walk behind floor scrubber to apply itself over given surfaces will ensure more thorough cleaning results.

3. Optimise your machine accessories and cleaning agent

Low foam cleaning agents are recommended to prevent your recovery tank from detecting a full tank due to excessive foam build-up instead of dirty water. Contacting your cleaning agent supplier or referring to your cleaning agent's Safety Data Sheet is strongly encouraged to fully understand its contents and the recommended dilution rate for safe handling measures.

Scrub Clean Degreaser is a highly recommended cleaning agent for heavy-duty applications and is an environmentally friendly option. You can find useful information about chemical safety on the Safe Work Australia website.
Learning how to effectively use your dosage accessories (if your machine is fitted with them) can also really help improve cleaning effectiveness.

Nilfisk Floor Scrubbers: EcoFlex ™ 

EcoFlex ™introduces a greener way to clean through tailored water, detergent and brush pressure settings to suit your cleaning application. Without compromising cleaning performance, EcoFlex™ allows you to easily change cleaning settings and dilution rates through flexible modes (water only, ultra-low detergent, standard detergent, and burst of power options) that enable more cost-efficient and time-efficient use of resources.

Burst of power is a particularly useful setting as it maximises water, pressure and detergent settings to target dirty spots for a 60 second window, which then reverts back to the previous setting. We encourage you to use this feature for heavily soiled areas.

Fimap Floor Scrubbers: Fimap Solution Saver (FSS)
Fimap Solution Saver is an optional accessory that provides more effective control over detergent and water usage through its dosing system, saving up to 50% on consumption. The level of consumption can be easily controlled and adjusted for the specific cleaning task.

4. Clean more thoroughly by double scrubbing

Double-scrubbing is when a surface is scrubbed twice prior to drying. When you scrub wet on your first pass (applying water and cleaning agent), your second scrub (without applying more water and agent), scrubs the existing lather and surface again for a more thorough clean. The vacuum and squeegee are also used in the second pass to collect dirty water and dry the surface. By leaving the lather to rest from the first scrub allows the chance for the chemicals to soak and react in the surface longer, cleaning and killing bacteria more effectively. 

Depending on how large your surface is will depend on how long the chemical can be left to soak into your surface. It is important that the first wet scrub does not dry before you attempt the second scrub. 

5. Clean and rotate your brushes/pads regularly

Taking time to regularly clean the cleaning equipment itself (ironic, yes) will maintain the overall reliability and reduce the operating costs of your machine. The scrub brush for example, when having debris stuck in the bristles risks scratching the surface from accumulated impurities, reducing cleaning performance.

  • Clean your brushes. Place the brushes under running water and use your fingers to remove dirt particles. If the bristles are under 10mm long you should consider replacing your brush, however, consult your user manual as each model can have varied recommendations. 

  • Rotate your brushes/pads (for dual scrubber machines only). The direction your brush/pad rotates over time will create a 'memory' of its motion, decreasing its effectiveness to scrub well. Rotating your brushes/pads regularly allows the bristles to wear evenly, and essentially scrub better.

Most modern machines don't need tools to replace or rotate your brushes but consult your operator manual to confirm.


Taking the time to learn and read your specific machine's manual will help you gain the most value and optimal performance possible. If you have any questions about the above tips, reach out to us and we will be happy to assist!